Hero means a lot of different things to people.
I know you are my Hero, but I also know that
you are a Hero not just to me.
To your family, your friends and your co-workers
I know that you stand out among them by the
everyday things that you do.
You may think nobody cares enough or thinks
enough of you, or that your not good enough
because nobody says it to you, but think again.
Think about the things that you have gotten
in return, the little things left unspoken, then
you will see that you are a Hero to more
people than you think you are.
How could they not think that.
The qualities that you have fit perfectly into
the Characteristics of a Hero.
Characteristics of a Hero
Is humanitarian- Cares for and respects people, generous,
fights injustice, wants to make the world a better place.
Persistent- might make mistakes but keeps trying,
focuses on the job.
Responsible, ,honest, trustworthy.
Courageous and Brave- Is willing to take risks,
stands up for his/her beliefs.
Intelligent- logical, sees the big picture,
identifies the problem and plans a solution.
Selfless and humble-puts others first,
doesn't seek rewards or praises.
Has a sense of humor.
Mentally Strong and self confident- fear, mistakes, problems
don't stop him/her.